Archive for the ‘Team Draft’ Category

Tonya Ramseur-Taylor is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

Saturday, January 7th, 2012

Steven Fuller, the Chris Draft Family Foundation’s Director of Operations

Steven Fuller talks about his cousin, Tonya Ramseur-Taylor from TEAM DRAFT on Vimeo.

From Tonya’s blog:

My name is Tonya and I am a Cancer Fighter.  On July 22, 2010, I was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer – Adenocarcinoma; non-small cell.  Since being diagnosed, I have come into contact with people from all walks of life and more often than not, in conversation you can learn a lot about a person.  Over the last several months I have met or talked to at least one person on a daily basis who is a cancer-fighter or the know someone with cancer.  If they learn that I have cancer, the typical response is “wow, you don’t look sick”.  I laugh and say “that is because I am not sick.”  This is a good thing because the “face” of cancer is changing.  There are so many natural options available to us all that we no longer have to walk around looking like the “walking dead” or the “walking sick”.  The knowledge I have gained in doing my homework has been rewarding and my body is doing remarkably well considering the circumstances.  Also, I get asked so very often “how I found out that I had cancer; what symptoms did I have; and how is it that I do not ‘look sick’.  With what I shared with them and many others, I was urged and encouraged to share my story with others in hopes that others will benefit from my experiences.  The encouragement from others was confirmation that I should document my experiences – a decision I had considered the very moment I learned that I had cancer.  At that time, my initial thought was to do “YouTube” video journals of my journey, but I was not sure about whether or not to write a book, so I put off doing either.  I pondered and procrastinated about it for a long while, but as time went on I was sharing my story more than two to three times per week, but it was no longer about “how I found out”, my spirit was being lead towards offering hope, purporting faith, being encouraging, and providing information about “what” I was doing to stay healthy.

Tonya passed on January 3, 2012. She authored a blog during her journey with lung cancer…Faith Through Cancer …Finding Purpose Beyond the Storm.