Jackie Archer is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer
Tuesday, August 2, 2005, at the age of 40 years and in seemingly excellent health, an evening commuter came crashing into my SUV. I quickly phoned 911. Within moments there were lights and sirens coming from every direction. The paramedics gently placed me onto a straight board and took me to the local hospital where I underwent a variety of tests to verify the extent of my injuries. By the time the tests were completed the ER room I had been assigned to was filled with my family and our family doctor, Dr. Ayisha Gani. After a few hours of x-rays and tests the ER doctor told me he had “…good news and bad news”. He went on to say with surprise, “The good news is that there are no injuries, no fractures, nothing whatsoever as a result of the car accident.” Everyone was relieved, for a moment. “The bad news is there is something in your lower right lobe the size of my fist; we need to do some tests…” Dr. Gani, my personal physician explained to me that she was admitting me for additional tests which would more than likely involve a biopsy the following day.
The next day I had a biopsy performed and remained in the hospital while other family members made their way to Georgia. It was Thursday afternoon that Dr. Gani came to my hospital room with all of my family in the room and told me the news and said, “The biopsy results are in; there is a tumor growing in the lower right lobe; it has to come out right away, you have lung cancer.” I was shocked to hear this and asked if this was accurate. I asked her how this could have happened. Me? I never smoked
and neither did my parents. How could I get lung cancer? I was then told it was the fastest growing type of cancer cell, Adenocarcenoma. I had lung cancer. I never smoked and neither did my parents.
Later that evening my three sons were brought to my hospital room. They were 12, 14 & 16 years old at the time. I proceeded to remind them of the phrase they had heard throughout their life, “God works in mysterious ways”. As I reminded them of this phrase I repeated for them the sequence
of events that had played out over the past two days. I wanted to protect them from any unknown fears that the word “cancer” is typically associated with. They understood that surgery would be required and that the accident was one of “God’s mysterious ways” of letting me know there was something wrong inside me.
Two weeks later, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Dr. John E. Moore performed the 14-hour surgery that would save my life. Dr. Moore removed the orange sized tumor from the middle and lower lobe of my right lung and 31 of my lymph nodes. At the time I was staged as “1b” but several years later a second pathology report indicated that I was actually at Stage III due to activity in a lymph node.
After 8 weeks of recovering from major surgery Dr. Moore installed a mediport which was the method of receiving 12 weekly treatments of chemotherapy (taxol & carboplatin) under the care of Dr. Thomas Seay of Atlanta Cancer Care. As of 12.30.05, my last chemo treatment, I have had no other cancer related issues. I continue to be closely monitored and screened.
I am a miracle. If it had not been for the auto accident I would not have known about the tumor in my lung. The cancer would more than likely have spread which would have been “too late” for treatment and I would have died in the spring of 2006. I am so blessed!
November 17th, 2012 at 8:10 pm
Hello, I just watched CNN News program about Keisha. I want to let everybody with lung cancer know that for sure Phytoplankton cures lung cancer. Cancer has to do with the alkalinity in your body. There are many videos on you tube made by various people who have cured themselves of different cancers using just baking soda along with PH Strips to keep track of and manage PH levels with use of baking soda. Other people have used dandelion root and / or high amounts of vitamin C – the common denominator with all these methods is that they keep the body’s alkalinity at a level that the cancer cannot live. May our Creator bless all of you, Angela
November 17th, 2012 at 8:19 pm
Jackie, I am so glad I heard about this site tonight and read your story. During a physical they found an aneursym in my abdomen and sent me directly to my doctor. They were doing a cat scan to make sure the stent would work for my aneursym when they discover a small tumor in my lower right lung. Diagnosed as stage 2a Adenocarcenoma. They did the surgery for my aneursym first and then two weeks later, they took the entire lower lobe of the right lung. Then I did the Taxol and Carboplatin chemotheraphy which finished 60 days ago. I have quit trying to look up anything on the internet as all you read are bad results and bad stories about their lung cancer experience. Prior to this, I had never been in a hospital for anything. I feel very fortunate to have found this early (Guardian Angels?). I have my first scan on the 2nd of January and I’m sure you know how scary this will be. I am so glad to have read that you have had a similar event and are going well. I just had to share this with you. God bless. Ray Rasmussen Minneapolis, MN